
Ideas worth to work on : an Anki Hub Anki is a well-known software in the learning world. It is based on the principle of space-repetition-system. Let’s say you want to learn a specific language (like french). One of the main challenge is to remember quite a bunch of new words, but learning vocabulary is not what is the most fun. What you do with Anki is that you create a flashcard, with is a card with two faces (like an IRL card) with the french word you want to learn on one face, and the translation on the other....

February 9, 2023


An Airtable alternative Some weeks ago I fell on Baserow, an open-source alternative to Airtable. If you haven’t heard of Airtable, it is a well-known organizing software that gained major popularity during the lockdown. To say it shortly, it is a supercharged Excel software, with incredible visualisation possibilities and way to integrate it in websites and current companies process. However, you’ll find yourself rapidly restrained, as the free access limits you in terms of rows number....

September 5, 2021


Tackling recommandation biased algorithms with Tournesol As free and open-source software advocater, this post may be the first of a long serie about projects that need help or deserve some attention. A (quite) famous French videast (Lê from the channel Science4All) made a video some days ago about an open-source called Tournesol. It’s aim is to furnish to any Internet user a more sustainable recommandation engine when visiting websites like YouTube or Twitter....

August 1, 2021


I read a lot of personal development books last years (90% of them written by americans folks by the way 🤔). Recently I fell back to what I read most before my study years : sci-fy, fantasy, dystopia. I devoured a trilogy of 400-pages books in two weeks, whereas it was more or less a pain to go through a 300-pages book about how to be become successfull in a month....

July 18, 2021

Start again

Starting a blog again… As a datacenter of a famous french provider burnt a few months ago, I had to restart my blog from scratch. As I posted 5 posts (almost) during one year, it was « un mal pour un bien » as a french idiom resumes it (i.e. it turned out to be for the best). Has I began to work full-time, I put that subject on the side, but summer is coming and some holidays put the subject back on the table....

July 11, 2021