An Airtable alternative

Some weeks ago I fell on Baserow, an open-source alternative to Airtable.

If you haven’t heard of Airtable, it is a well-known organizing software that gained major popularity during the lockdown. To say it shortly, it is a supercharged Excel software, with incredible visualisation possibilities and way to integrate it in websites and current companies process. However, you’ll find yourself rapidly restrained, as the free access limits you in terms of rows number.

Here comes Baserow. The purpose is to provide a comparable UX experience, with the bonus of open-source software. As instance, if you’re a company and you’re worry about your data confidentiality (Airtable’s data fall under the Cloud Act, which basically is a giant hole in which national agencies can go through), it is possible to self-host your own Baserow instance.

The software is in active development. Currently the features are limited, but this statement may be outdated rapidly, as there is a new minor release every month that bring Baserow even closer to Airtable capabilities.