Starting a blog again…

As a datacenter of a famous french provider burnt a few months ago, I had to restart my blog from scratch. As I posted 5 posts (almost) during one year, it was « un mal pour un bien » as a french idiom resumes it (i.e. it turned out to be for the best).

Has I began to work full-time, I put that subject on the side, but summer is coming and some holidays put the subject back on the table. This first post is a pledge. A pledge of how I will design this website, and its content for next months.

Blogging pledge

I read a lot about blogging, and a always-forcoming statement is regularity of writing. On my first blog I began well, but I lost that habit rapidly. Here is the first pledge:

Writing on an article everyday. That doesn’t mean one article will come out every day, but it’ll surely more regular. Let’s start on one article per week.

Architechture pledge

As I wanted to launch my first blog as fast as possible, I choosed a Wordpress theme and boom, let’s go. Drawbacks soon appeared (learning curve for some advanced possibilities) but also I wanted to create a blog that reflected my opinions about sobriety of the web. As you guess, WordPress isn’t a champion in this category. Next pledge is about the technical architecture of the blog.

I will develop my blog from a light framework from scratch, implementing all functionalities I wanted : i18n, CSS animations, light files etc. and ready to welcome new functionalities.

I chose Hugo as it is a mature framework and I wanted to improve my Go skills. The deployment is made through Gitlab Pages, but I may improve it following my needs.